Wednesday, November 20, 2024

I'm grateful for the small things...

    Though we should be thankful year round for what we have, the Thanksgiving holiday tends to make some people reflect on the past year.  I have many blessings I am grateful for...I was broadsided on October 13th and my car was totaled.  Whiplash is not something I would wish on anyone, but at least that was the worst of my injuries.  Then about 10 days ago, I missed a step in my house and took a hard fall on my right hip, but thankfully it was just deeply bruised.  Other than that, I'm still kicking (though not that high 😆)

    May your Thanksgiving holiday be filled with family, friends, love and food.  Always be grateful for the little things in your life.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Better late than never...

     I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever remember to post anything here.  Life can be busy sometimes and dragging others.  

    I had shut down one of my Etsy stores several weeks ago and decided to reopen it to see if it would do any good this time.  If you're interested, you can visit us at A Family Affair Boutique and check out the mugs we have listed.  My other Etsy store, The Purple Gnome Studio, offers PNG files I have created.

    I have a close family member who has been diagnosed with epilepsy and depression.  Helping this family member with visits to various doctors' appointments and other places (not cleared to drive yet) keeps me busy.  If you or a loved one is dealing with either of these issues, you are not alone.  If you haven't sought help, please don't hesitate to seek help.  Talk to your minister, doctor, anybody to help you find the help you need.

    My youngest grandson is on our local All-Star Baseball Team for 10 and under.  The team is in a tournament for a chance to go to the state tournament.  Though they lost last night, they're still in the running due to the tourney being a double-elimination.  They got to go to the state tournament last year and we're cheering them on for a repeat.

Friday, February 9, 2024

Where has the time gone?

I am so sorry that it's been so long since my last posting.  I didn't realize how time had gotten away from me.  Life in my world has been really busy, some of which has been beyond my control. I'm not going to make any promises I can't keep, but I hope to try and do better.

I am still doing sublimation and photography.  I had several requests for sublimated Christmas ornaments during the holidays, as well as several orders for shirts with special vinyl designs.  I was asked yesterday if I would photograph a mother-son dance, which is in the planning stages at this time.  

May 2024 be a great year for you!